Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Billingsgate Market

I finally got to Billingsgate market after months of talking but no action. The reason is due to its early closing hours, which I thought no public transport is available. But I was wrong. The 24-hour bus 108 brought us (Johanna and my parents) there last Saturday morning. My parents have just arrived from Malaysia the evening before.

Since this market is quite new, I expected something like Sydney Fish Market where all items are neatly displayed in glass display units and the floor is kept dry. To my disappointment, the whole place felt just like any other wet markets in Malaysia where the floor is wet and all the stocks are strewn on cement tabletops or placed in styrofoam containers.

Some of the shots I've taken of the market.

I've also managed a few shots of Canary Wharf. This time in near perfect weather instead of the overcast last September. I found out that clear sky may be good for colour photography but not for black and white as the sky colour is too dark to provide good contrast.

More photos at http://flickr.com/photos/jihying/sets/72157600238369068/

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