Saturday, December 30, 2006

R.I.P. Saddam Hussein

Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has been executed by hanging at 0300 GMT today.

Is it really a punishment? Or is it simply revenge?

Even though he may be brutal in his rule in Iraq, he does not deserve to die this way, especially not in the hands of the Americans and the Iraqi puppet government.

They could not have chosen a worse date as today is the Haj, i.e. the day of sacrifice in the Muslim Calendar. It is a day where minor crimes are forgiven and major crimes either commuted or deferred.

Does this mark the end of the war on terror? I am afraid not. Instead more hatred may have been sown in the hearts of many Iraqis and Muslims around the world.

It started off with an illegitimate war - an invasion of a sovereign state by America and its allies (especially Britain), based on allegations (proven to be lies) that Iraq possesses weapons of mass destruction.

The intention of America is clear - revenge, most likely driven by hatred of its ignorant President.

This illegal invasion has caused the lives of hundreds of thousands of people - Iraqis, Americans, British, etc. Number of body bags are increasing by the day, with no one knowing when it will stop and how much more. The situation created by Americans and British are worse than that under the Saddam rule.

We are told Saddam was executed for crimes against humanity, the mass murder of civilians.

Bush and Blair where the leaders with ultimate responsibility when they influenced and authorised the illegitimate invasion of iraq which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people.

It seems to me that they may be guilty of similar offences.

Will the Western democratic process pull them in front of the courts to assess their guilt? Not a chance.

If there is really true justice in this world, Bush and Blair should join Saddam Hussein at the gallows. They should be buddies down under.

It's a sad day for humanity where Western hypocrisy is at its worst.

Shame on Bush, shame on Blair, and shame on all the corrupt and opportunist, profiteering, companies and individuals who took advantage of this illegal war for their own gain.

If you kill by sword be ready to die by sword.

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