Monday, December 18, 2006

Bapak & Mak's Christmas Party

This must be one of the last Christmas Party I've attended at the McWilliams' home in London. Friday 15 December, while the rest of London's working people are enjoying themselves in their company's Christmas Party, we had our very own in our Bapak and Mak's home in Camberwell.

I met up with Jo at Earls Court (she came from work) before proceeding to Denmark Hill by train from Victoria. Then we took a bus to Camberwell Green and walked to the McWilliams' home. I was wearing the blue Nadza shark T-shirt.

Clare greeted us at the door with Victor following suit moments later. It has been a long time since we last met in KTJ 2 years back. They still look the same, but the guests weren't. There were a lot of unfamiliar faces, mostly juniors who've gone to KTJ after I've left. The only familiar faces out of the 20-odd guests were Xian, Matthew, Chris and Jonathan. Chris and Jonathan are both grown ups now, unlike the kids I've known in KTJ.

We started queueing up for food moments later - can sense a lot of Malaysian influence in the cooking! It was great to catch up with everyone and knowing some juniors who also went to Nadzaruddin House.

Johann Ting arrive a bit later, just when I thought he was giving this year's party a miss. I was surprised to know that he has quit Goldman Sachs long time ago and is now doing a guitar course and playing part-time. He is one of the greatest musicians I've ever known. I promised to turn up at his gig in Earls Court the following Friday.

The McWilliams are planning to quit KTJ next year and may hold the last Christmas party in their London home next Christmas. Since I won't be in London next Christmas, this should be the last reunion for me.

Well done to the McWilliams for doing this for us for the past many years! You do not earn the title Bapak and Mak for nothing. =)

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