Monday, March 03, 2008

Warkah untuk PM

In response to the Warkah untuk PM website launched by the Deputy PM.

Dear PM,

I would like to raise my concern on the crime rates in the country. I've been worried for my parents (who are in their golden age) lately as they have been victims of a two counts of theft within 3 weeks.

On the 2nd day of Chinese New Year, a thief attempted to break in to their house. He failed to do so, but managed to fish my father's wallet from one of the rooms through the window. The thief managed to withdraw a significant sum of money from 2 of his bank accounts. My father was deeply disappointed with the inspector who handled his case. He showed no interest in investigating the case at all. Imagine how many more people who are going to fall victim to this thief?

Sometime last week, my brother lost his bicycle from within the house compound. A theif has climbed into the compound to steal it at around 5am. My mum have been unable to sleep in peace due to these two events, combined with many other crimes suffered by the neighbours.

Everyday they hear of many other crimes in their housing area. The worst one involved a man who was robbed by Mat Rempits. He didn't have enough money on him and hence he phoned his son. His son was killed in a road accident on the way to help his father. There are many other cases of robberies and theft in the neighbourhood, a lot of them involving motorcycle gangs. As a result, residence in the area has paid a team every month to patrol the area, since there is not enough police presence. Despite this, the number of cases is still increasing. Many are living in fear.

Few months ago, my mother-in-law was robbed of her handbag in broad daylight. Not too long ago, one thief tried to steal my cousin's motorcycle but was caught. The most disappointing part is the police were reluctant to take action on the thief. Instead they tried to inconvenient my cousin by requiring him to leave his motorcycle at the police station for a few weeks in order to prosecute the thief.

My neighbours in PJ have also been victims of crime. Thieves have broken into the house of my left neighbour, ransacking the whole place while they are at work. The crime was committed at around noon time. A gang of motorcyclists attempted to steal the car of my opposite neighbour's friend in the middle of the night. Luckily my other neighbour woke up and raised the alert. Even so, the gang came back a few times to try their luck. Right before this year's Chinese New Year, my right neighbour's house was broken into while they are sleeping.

The list goes on... But the worst thing is the attitude of the policemen in handling criminal cases. Most of them have the tidak apa attitude. You promised IPCMC few years ago to improve the police force but until today nothing has been done while the crime rates have increased to a worrying level. Your son-in-law even open endorse Mat Rempits for his political gain.

This is just one of the many promises you've made to Malaysians after the last election. Please tell the rakyat why you deserve our votes for failing to fulfill most of the promises you have made?

You said you have big ears. But you have chosen not to listen to the grouses of many Malaysians in the past few months.

How can you convince me that this warkah is going to be read? How can you convince me that even if you have read this warkah, you are going to act on it? To me Warkah untuk PM is just another political gimmick, just like the newly tarred roads, new schools, etc. I can only hope that nothing more serious will happen to the people I love while you sleep on your job.

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