Friday, February 06, 2009

Frogs - The aftermath

I'm no expert in law, but that doesn't stop me from thinking and asking myself a few questions regarding the Perak turmoil.

  • 3 individuals have brought down the government voted in by the people. Is this fair?
  • Did the people voted for these individuals in 308 or they voted for the party?
  • What are the conditions for granting the dissolution of the state assembly?
  • What if PKR managed to woo a few BN ADUNs to crossover in the next few weeks or months? How many times are we going to change the government?
This crossover thingy is a PKR's (Anwar's) game. I don't think PAS and DAP actually support it. Now it has backfired big time. When is Anwar going to learn to be patient?

Personally I think we should have an anti-hopping law. In my opinion it is very unfair for an ADUN to switch sides without getting a fresh mandate, especially when it involves the change in government.

Further comments on our outgoing PM's quote in the Star:
Datuk Seri Abdullah has told Pakatan Rakyat to accept Barisan’s rule in Perak. “They should accept it just as we had accepted results of the general election,” he said.
How can the Perak turmoil be compared to what happened in 308? In 308, it was the rakyat who voted, what happened now is the caused by the decision of only 3 individuals.

Is that too complicated for him to grasp?

Anyway, hope the new BN government have learnt their lesson from 308. But the way they seize the government is definitely not a good start.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What go around, what come around