Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Our Independence Day is only less than one week away but so far I haven't seen any celebration plans in the press. The politicians must be too busy clinging on to power or trying to siege power.

The focus for the past few weeks had been on Permatang Pauh by-election. It was reported that around RM6 million of 'goodies' have been handed out, money which could have been better spent for better planned development projects amid the high inflation suffered by the rakyat.

The by-election has probably brought out the worst of some of our politicians - slandering, bribing, lust for power and wealth and worst of all, trying to out-swear one another in the name of religion.

With the state of the government since 8 March 2008, change is imminent. The rakyat can no longer tolerate the intolerance, arrogance, greed, corruption and whatever-it-takes kind of attitude of some of our incumbent leaders. Their personal agendas have compromised the development and the welfare of the nation.

Perhaps, we should celebrate Merdeka by making the big CHANGE. The opposition should be given a chance in light of the stage 3 cancer suffered by the BN government. Fair competition is the only way to encourage hard work and discipline. This applies to both the ruling government and the opposition, whether BN or PR. It is the rakyat who will benefit in the long run.


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