Sunday, March 18, 2007

Altantuya Shariibuu

I'm sure many are still wondering what really happened to Altantuya Shariibuu that resulted in her tragic death.

Anyway, blogger Susan Loone posted a blog entry with a YouTube video from Altantuya's father on her daughter and her baby. Excerpt from her blog entry...

The only stories we hear about Altantuya Shariibuu were the ones told by the police, by Abdul Razak Baginda in his affidavit, and by the local newspapers.

The only pictures we have seen about the young mother of two, were the passport photos in the local newspapers, always depicted alongside her alleged murderer, whenever her case had news value.

Curious about her, I traced her life back to the exotic land of Mongolia, where she hailed from, and tried to understand the woman behind all the sleazy, unsubstantiated stories. It was not an easy task.

I tried speaking to her father, Mr. Stev Shariibuu, personally, but he speaks very little English. He promised, through friends in Ulanbataar, that he would send some information about his daughter. After several weeks of waiting, her father, finally sent this video clip to me.

In his agony, and to preserve whatever memory he has of his beloved daughter, Shariibuu put together several pictures of Altantuya, followed by a brief narration about her life. There is also a short video clip about her sick, young boy - Atanshagai, 3 years old, whose DNA is being sought now, by experts who want to determine whose child he is.

Read more at her blog entry - “Altantuya sacrificed herself for the sake of others”.

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