Sunday, September 14, 2008

中秋节快乐 Happy Mid-Autumn (Mooncake) Festival

Johanna and I visited the famous Victoria Market today as there was a small Mooncake Festival celebration over there.

It was our first time visiting the market while it is open. We were amazed by the size of the market, selling all range of goods from food to clothes, etc.

For Mooncake Festival, a small stage was set up with a few rows of stalls as well. The stalls were selling things like Chinese teapots, satay (wonder if satay is originally Chinese? Since I just found out that there is wayang kulit in Chinese culture, from the movie To Live), mooncakes and even services such as fortune telling. There was also a booth where some people were making lanterns, the standard type with 6 circles. Surprisingly, only one stall was selling mooncakes and surprise surprise it was handled by a colleague of mine Michelle Tay from Finance Department, together with her partner. We bought a box of mooncakes from them. Can't wait to taste them. Yum... Also bought some bak quah (jerky), yet another favourite of mine.

While we were there, there was wushu performance on the stage - ironically performed by a few Mat Sallehs. Later one there was also a gu zheng (chinese harp) performance by a group of ladies (see video below).

Satay (not as nice as the authentic Malaysian one)

Lantern making - very few people left as it was near the end of the celebration

Some of the stalls

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