Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year 2008

Due to limited bandwidth, I've avoided blogging recently.

2007 had been an interesting year for me and Johanna. Our stay in London had been really great. Despite not gaining as many exams as expected for my actuarial profession, it still feels great to have cleared 3 more papers in one year.

2008 is a year of new challenges as I'm still looking for a new job and settling down in Australia - either Sydney or Melbourne depending on the job offer I'll be getting. The weather in Melbourne had been extremly hot and dry for the past few weeks. On New Year's eve, it touched 42C, the hottest weather I've ever experienced in my whole life. On New Year's Day it touched 41C. The hot weather is worsen by the irritating bush flies which feed on sweat. Makes me miss British weather a lot, even though it is cloudy and rainy most of the time. At least the temperature and humidity is bearable and British summers are great (not the 2007 one though).

Happy New Year to everyone. I hope there will be more tolerence and less violence worldwide.

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