Friday, October 05, 2007

Dinner with Victor & Clare

I was very delighted to have my Bapak and Mak over for dinner last night.

After attending a number of Christmas parties organised by the McWilliams over the years, it's only fair that I make them a dinner in return.

It's great to see them back in the UK, after retiring from their teaching roles in KTJ after a whopping 12 years.

So here is the photo of the dinner, not including the dessert - Tarte Tatin. Can't remember how Clare pronounced the name of this French dessert.

And here is everyone...

And also I'm suppose to check out this book called The Harmony Silk Factory by Tash Aw, a great read according to Clare.

1 comment:

YD said...

Yes, The Harmony Silk Factory is a good read. (another talented Malaysian!)I've yet to read it but Ray has been insisting since 2 years ago I SHOULD read it, haha... feel paiseh with him. :-P